
Thursday 13 April 2023


How to Rank #1 on Google

Welcome to my blog, I'm Abdul Raheem, and if you're keen on elevating your website to the pinnacle of Google's search results, then you've come to the right place! As a Blogger with years of experience in SEO, I'm excited to share with you a comprehensive and up-to-date guide on how to rank #1 on Google. In this blog post, I'll walk you through the essential steps, from conducting thorough keyword research and crafting top-notch content to optimizing meta tags and building authoritative backlinks. If you're eager to enhance your online visibility, drive more organic traffic, and level up your website's SEO game, then get ready to ascend to the summit of Google's search rankings. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to dominating the search results!

Conduct Comprehensive Keyword Research

The Crucial Role of keyword research in building a winning strategy. Start by conducting comprehensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your website. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to uncover keywords with high search volume and low competition. These keywords will serve as the driving force behind your content optimization efforts.

When incorporating keywords into your content, do so naturally and strategically. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can result in penalties and lower rankings. Instead, aim to create high-quality, comprehensive, and informative content that adds value to users and addresses their queries.

Create High-Quality and Engaging Content

Content quality is paramount in SEO, and Google values high-quality and engaging content that caters to the needs of users. Your content should be well-researched, well-structured, and well-written. It should provide value, be relevant to your target audience, and answer their questions.

Ensure your content is comprehensive and covers the topic thoroughly. Incorporate your target keywords into the title, headings, meta tags, and body of the content. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content, making it easy to read for both users and search engines.

Optimize On-Page Elements

Optimizing on-page elements is crucial for SEO success. Make sure to optimize your title tag, meta description, URL, and headings with your target keywords. Your title tag and meta description should be compelling and include your keywords to entice users to click on your link in the search results.

Additionally, focus on creating a user-friendly URL structure that is concise and includes your target keywords. Use descriptive and meaningful headings to structure your content, making it easy for users and search engines to understand the hierarchy and relevance of the information.

Prioritize User Experience

User experience is a critical factor in Google's ranking algorithm. A well-designed website that provides a positive user experience can significantly impact your rankings. Make sure your website loads quickly, is mobile-responsive, and has easy navigation for a seamless user experience.

Consider the layout, design, and usability of your website. Make sure it is visually appealing, has clear call-to-actions, and provides an intuitive navigation menu. Relevant internal links can also improve user engagement, increase time spent on site, and reduce bounce rates, all of which can signal to Google that your website provides a positive user experience.

Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks, or incoming links from other websites, are a crucial element of SEO. They can signal to Google that your website is authoritative and relevant. Aim to earn high-quality, authoritative, and relevant backlinks from reputable websites in your niche.

You can accomplish this through various strategies, such as guest posting, outreach campaigns, or creating high-quality and shareable content that earns valuable backlinks. Emphasize building a diverse and organic backlink profile that showcases your website's authority and credibility.

How Social Media Can Play a Role in Ranking #1 on Google 

Social media can be a powerful tool to increase site views and drive traffic to your website. Here are some tips on how to leverage social media effectively to increase your site views:

Create Engaging and Shareable Content:

The content you share on social media should be engaging, informative, and shareable. Your content marketing strategy may encompass a wide range of engaging materials, such as thought-provoking blog posts, informative articles, visually appealing infographics, captivating videos, and other relevant content formats that are tailored to resonate with your specific target audience. Make sure your content provides value and resonates with your audience, compelling them to click through to your website to learn more.

Share Content Regularly: 

Consistency plays a vital role in social media success, as maintaining a regular and strategic posting schedule can significantly impact your results. Create a social media content calendar and schedule regular posts to keep your audience engaged. Use a mix of promotional content and valuable, shareable content to keep your followers interested and coming back for more.

Utilize Eye-Catching Visuals: 

Visuals are a pivotal factor in driving social media engagement, as eye-catching images, graphics, and videos can captivate audiences and encourage them to interact with your content. Visuals can help convey your message more effectively and encourage users to click on your link to visit your website.

Optimize Your Social Media Profiles:

Maximize website traffic by optimizing your social media profiles for ultimate visibility and engagement. Include a link to your website in your bio or about section, and make sure your profile is complete with relevant keywords and a clear description of what your website offers. This can help improve your searchability on social media and drive traffic to your site.

Utilize Social Media Advertising: 

Employing social media advertising can prove to be a highly effective approach to broaden your reach, capturing a larger audience, and generating increased traffic to your website. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer advertising options that allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Create compelling ads with a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs users to your website, and monitor the performance of your ads to optimize for better results.

Collaborate with Influencers: 

Influencer marketing can be a powerful strategy to increase your website traffic through social media. Identify influencers in your niche who have a large and engaged following, and collaborate with them to promote your website and content. Influencers can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website through their recommendations and endorsements.

In conclusion, leveraging social media effectively can be a powerful way to increase site views and drive traffic to your website. By creating engaging and shareable content, sharing regularly, utilizing visuals, optimizing your profiles, engaging with your audience, utilizing social media advertising, and collaborating with influencers, you can leverage the power of social media to boost your website traffic and grow your online presence.

Thursday 23 April 2020


Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation - Causes of Constipation & Their Treatment - AR Times


Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation

Constipation occurs when a person’s bowel movements are harsh and dry, or when the time between bowel movements spans longer than usual, and constipation holds more than one image for different people because for many people it simply means less passing stool, As for others, constipation means producing difficult stools, difficulty or stress in passing stools, or feeling that complete emptying does not happen after the bowel movement, as there are different reasons behind all these varying symptoms, and for this, the approach should be with each patient Personally identifying him, As people can have different types of bowel movement, and only the same person knows what is normal for him, it should also be noted that constipation is not a disease, but it may be a symptom of another medical problem, constipation may continue to occur for a short period or Long according to the cause of its occurrence.

Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation

In order to relieve fast and healthy constipation, some changes should be made to the established lifestyle, diet, and if these adjustments are not sufficient, drug treatments may be used.

Lifestyle change

The person who suffers from constipation should drink enough water and exercise regularly on most days of the week. It is also recommended that you do not postpone and go to the bathroom immediately when you feel the need for release.

Food therapy

Some foods help relieve constipation, by adding stool volume, and their work to soften stools, reduce the time of intestinal transit, and increase the number of times the stool is excreted. Below are some of the foods that can help relieve constipation and keep people in position Natural:
  • Peach: As dried peach is used as one of the natural remedies for the problem of constipation, it contains peachesCellulose is one of the fibres in the peach, which is a type of insoluble fibre, and works to increase the amount of water in the stool, and thus increase the volume of stools, and in addition to this the soluble fibre found in Peach is fermented in the colon to produce short-chain fatty acids, which also increase stool weight, and peach contains sorbitol, an alcohol sugar that the body does not absorb well, causing water to be drawn into the colon. , And thus leads to a milli effect In a small number of people, it should be noted that peaches also contain phenolic compounds, which stimulate beneficial intestinal bacteria and thus may contribute to a laxative effect.
  • Apple: is the apple is rich in fibre, as most are fibre - soluble that apple contains the form of dietary fibre called pectin ( in English: Pectin), where the fermentation of pectin in the intestine quickly by bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids, which you drag Water to the colon, and thus he managed to soften the stool, and it can be said that eating apples is an easy way to increase the fibre content in the diet, and reduce constipation, and it is possible to eat apples whole, in the form of juice, in salads, or in baked goods.
  • Pears: Pears are also considered rich in fibre, and pears are distinguished when compared to different types of fruits because they contain high levels of fructose (Soractol) and sorbitol, and fructose is a poorly absorbed sugar in the body, which means that amounts of it remain in the colon, And draws water through the osmotic property, which stimulates the bowel movement, and as we mentioned earlier, pears also contain sorbitol sugar, which is like fructose is not absorbed well in the body, as it works as a natural laxative, by introducing water to the intestine, Pears can be introduced now Food or a variety of ways, such as being eaten raw, or cooked with cheese, or put them in salads, and dishes are delicious, and baked goods.
  • Senna (English: Senna) It is a herbal laxative, where the use of the tooth to reduce constipation is widespread, as it is available for exchange without a prescription, and it can also be taken orally or rectally, and it should be noted that the tooth contains a number of plant compounds Glycosides are called (Glycosides), which stimulate the nerves in the intestine and thus accelerate the bowel movement, and it should be noted that the use of Senna is not recommended by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with certain health conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, However, it is usually considered safe to use a tooth For adults, only for short and limited periods of time, you should consult a doctor if the symptoms do not go away after a few days.  

Drug therapy

Constipation can be eliminated quickly by taking laxatives, as it is effective in reducing constipation, but it must be noted that it is intended for short-term use only, and laxatives are drugs that reduce constipation by making stools soft or stimulating bowel movement, Laxatives come in the form of pills, capsules, liquids, foods, suppositories, and enemas. One of the most common side effects of laxatives: bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. It is worth noting that it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and maintain body moisture when taking laxatives.

Causes of constipation

Some of the factors and causes that lead to constipation include:
  • Changes in what a person eats, changes in activities he or she does, and the diet do not contain adequate amounts of water or fibre.
  • Eat a lot of dairy products.
  • Reduced activity and stress.
  • Resist the urge to go to the toilet for defecation.
  • Overuse of laxatives.
  • Use of some types of medicine, especially strong analgesics, such as narcotics, in addition to antidepressants, iron pills, and antacids that contain calcium or aluminium.
  • Infection syndrome irritable bowel syndrome ( in English: Irritable bowel syndrome).
  • Pregnancy.
  • There are problems in the nerves and muscles in the digestive system, and examples of nerve: the problems of Parkinson 's disease ( in English: Parkinson's disease), or multiple sclerosis ( in English: Multiple sclerosis).
  • Colon cancer.
  • Hypothyroidism ( in English: Hypothyroidism).
  • Rectal cancer, or rectal swelling across the posterior wall of the vagina.
  • Changes in life or daily routine, such as travel.


Wednesday 22 April 2020


Ways of treatment in Homeopathy - How does homeopathy work

Ways of treatment in Homeopathy

Ways of treatment in Homeopathy

The classic homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic therapy method based on experience, with which we have the opportunity to sustainably improve the overall condition of people with their life energy and defences.
From a homeopathic point of view, illness always means a disorder for the whole person, therefore the organism gets into an imbalance and the person gets sick. All the symptoms that occur are not to be seen in isolation but as part of the disease. All symptoms (such as pain, fever, insomnia or anxiety) are related to each other, as an expression of the derailed life force. 
This imbalance needs to be restored with an individual homeopathic medicine selected for the patient.

Therefore, when choosing the homeopathic medicine, you have to pay attention to everything, even the smallest peculiarities in the psychological and physical area.

The detailed first medical history serves to obtain a comprehensive picture.

The treatment goal is to alleviate your symptoms and achieve a stable balance with healing if possible. Because the success of the treatment depends on many factors, it is not possible to give an accurate forecast. With acute illnesses, a positive reaction can often be felt after hours or a few days. Chronic diseases sometimes require long treatment times and long-term care. 

However, this does not mean that you cannot feel any improvement in your symptoms in the short term. 
Below you will find information on:

History of classic homeopathy       
Effect of homeopathy       
Chronic and acute illnesses       
Opportunities and limits of homeopathy       
- course of treatment       


History of classic homeopathy

Homeopathy was developed by the doctor, pharmacist and chemist Samuel Hahnemann  (*10 April 1755 – 2 July 1843). He developed a comprehensive healing system within 50 years and called his life's work "homeopathy" (Greek homoion = similar and pathos = suffering). Hahnemann was a well-known doctor at his time who gave up his practice because he was dissatisfied with the conventional therapy methods (which in some cases had considerable side effects). He specialized in the translation of medical works and came across a document on the effects of the Chinese bark on malaria. Hahnemann found this description very interesting, but the explanation of the mode of action was unsatisfactory. Then he tried the bark on himself and got symptoms as if he had malaria himself. He concluded that a substance has symptoms in a patient can heal what she is able to evoke in a healthy person. He formulated the guiding principle of homeopathy:
Similia similibus curentur - Similar things are cured by similar things.
After this discovery, Hahnemann spent the rest of his life finding other medicines and testing them on himself and others. Based on this knowledge, he built up the entire teaching of homeopathy. 
Since many of his students and other homeopaths have followed his example to this day, we have a large number of homeopathic remedies available today.
Another achievement of Hahnemann is the research into the optimal way of producing his means. Through gradual trituration with milk sugar or shaking with an alcohol-water mixture (potentiation / potentia = strength), his medicines achieve a higher degree of effectiveness than the pure starting material. Even today, the homeopathic medicines (globules or drops) are made according to his instructions, which were written down in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB).
Various directions in homeopathy have developed over the past 200 years.

There is clinical homeopathy, which uses the remedies primarily according to their physical effects. In complex remedies homeopathy, various remedies, mostly with a specific organ reference, or a specific direction of action  (e.g. for pain) are mixed into a single preparation.

The Classical Homeopathy , however, operates strictly according to the rules of Hahnemann, after the Organon of Medicine ( = be Grundlagenbuch for real proper healing).
The means are prescribed according to the similarity rule, and only one means is given at a time. The healing takes place from the inside out, to strengthen the personal life force.
This is to avoid that healing of external diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis)  does not cause internal diseases (e.g. asthma). All symptoms of body, mind and soul are taken into account in drug discovery and drug effects.

How does homeopathy work

Everyone has their life force that keeps all their parts (body, mind and soul) in a healthy balance. If this vital force is disturbed or weakened, it manifests itself through symptoms.

Example: You have worked a lot (digging in the garden or similar) and you are now tired, you start yawning, all bones and muscles hurt. The vitality is exhausted and signals your tiredness. After a good night's sleep, you feel better again. 
So your life force is always looking for a way to restore your personal harmony. This usually also works with normal loads. 
With heavy loads, however, a good meal or sleep is no longer sufficient to remedy the symptoms. Then the homeopathic treatment can strengthen the vitality and stimulate and support the self-healing powers.

Chronic and acute diseases

Acute diseases usually do not last longer than 3 weeks and can quickly be improved with homeopathy. In a targeted conversation, the therapist collects the symptoms and then chooses the right remedy.
In the case of chronic illnesses, the patient's entire symptoms are recorded with all physical, mental and psychological symptoms. But information such as dislikes or preferences are also important, all illnesses, surgery and vaccinations, and interests.  All of this must be taken into account in order to get the most accurate picture possible so that the most similar remedy can be found.
That is why a chronic initial medical history usually takes about 2 hours. 
Then the repertorization (elaboration and search for funds) takes place.

Homeopathy is the therapy of the whole person and not that of the disease.

 Chances and limits of homeopathy

Many acute and chronic complaints can be alleviated and often even cured with classic homeopathy


Acute - gastrointestinal infections, colds, strains, sprains, inflammation and much more

Chronic - migraines, cardiovascular disorders, susceptibility to infections, neurodermatitis, allergy, behavioural disorders, asthma, also mental disorders such as stage fright, shock, fright, anxiety, mood swings, depression and sleep disorders.
Children in particular usually have a high level of vitality and therefore respond particularly well to homeopathic medicinal products, not least in the case of childhood abnormalities and behaviour disorders.


Homeopathy also has its limits.

If cells are inevitably destroyed, e.g. in the case of gene defects, when operations are required, or when tumour diseases have to be treated when there are obstacles to healing (e.g. blockages - these should first be removed -), homeopathy can also do so do no miracle cures.
Accompanying homeopathic treatment, but also in these cases, can effectively support the healing process, sometimes even heal italleviate the side effects of other therapies, and always have a positive influence on people especially in incurable processes, and strengthen their vitality, often maintain their quality of life for longer.


Tuesday 31 March 2020


How to Format Your Android Phone - How to Format Your iPhone - AR Times


How to format Android phone

A person who owns a smartphone that works with the Android operating system can create formations for his device and return it to the original state in which he left the factory, and this can be done through the use of a Google account that is linked and synchronized with the mobile phone, and to do this it must be followed Next steps:

  • Go to the website from the user's computer who wants to perform the forming process.
  • Log in to the Google Account that is linked to the Android device for which you want to create a form.
  • Click on the Enable Lock & Erase button.
  • Clicking Erase twice to start the process of starting the device formate, and it should be noted that this method that was taken is very useful and useful in the event of the device being stolen or lost, where the user can make the formate for the device and remotely through the use of this method.

How to format your iPhone

You can do a form of an iPhone phone by doing the following steps:
  •  Turn on the iPhone you want to format it. 
  • Clicking the Settings button on the phone's home screen.
  • Open the device’s general settings menu by clicking on the General tab. 
  • Clicking on the Reset button that appears at the bottom of the general setting options.
  •  Click Erase all content and settings, then choose Erase iPhone to begin the formatting process.

Why are mobile phones made?

 There are many reasons why one would like to make formatting for his  Android phone or iPhone, and we will learn about some of these reasons below: 
  •  Fix problems: if the device becomes significantly slow or in the event that some applications no longer work properly and other problems. 
  • Sale: In the event that the person wanted to sell his mobile phone, he would make a form for him in order to remove all of his data about this device before selling it.


Types of Canon Cameras - Canon Company History - AR Times



The machine imaging normal is a specialized body to take pictures through the so-called Balgalq ( in English: Shutter), which is opened and then close it when taking a picture, endangering the film sensitive to light rays light, appears the image on this film.

Canon company and the history of photographers

The Canon company has started (English: Canon) a small operator in one of the streets of the city of Tokyo, Japan, has been specializing in optics at the time, as was the case of the company 's rival Nikon ( in English: Nikon). In the mid-twentieth century, Canon entered the field of calculators, copiers, and audio technology, and in the same period, the company released its first camera, a single-lens reflex camera (English: SLR Camera) It has been called Canonflex (English: Canonflex).

The competition intensified between Canon and Nikon in 1971 when Canon issued a camera under the name F-One (English: F-1), and it had many advantages at the time. In the seventies of the twentieth century, Canon released the first camera that includes a microprocessor (in English: Microprocessor) and was called IE One (English: AE1), and was affordable for most people. This was followed by a new camera called (English: A1), which was considered one of the most advanced cameras at the time.

In the eighties of the twentieth century, Canon issued a series of T-cameras, and these machines had great success, and they were distinguished by the mechanism of work, and some specifications of this series are still present in modern cameras. In 1995, Canon, in cooperation with Kodak, released a DSLR Camera (English: EOS-DCS), which was intended for photography enthusiasts.

In 2000, Canon released a camera ( in English: EOS 30D), it has been thoroughly enjoyed a 3.2 megapixel. This camera was a great success, and it greatly improved the economy of Canon, which placed it at the forefront of the digital devices market. In 2001, Canon released a 1D camera, also a digital single-lens reflex camera, which outperformed Nikon at the time.

Types of Canon cameras

Canon Lexus

Canon IXUS cameras are compact cameras that are not intended for photographers or professionals, as this type of camera lacks many advantages that they need. These cameras are suitable for ordinary people to use to capture family moments or take photos while travelling. The resolution in this type of Canon camera ranges from 16 megapixels to 20 megapixels, and the ability to zoom in from eight to twelve times.

The Believer Center of January 30

The Canon Powershot D30 is suitable for use by adventure and travel enthusiasts, it is waterproof to a depth of 25 meters, and is able to withstand falling from a height of 2 meters. This camera includes many advantages, it is able to shoot videos with high accuracy, and it supports the feature of merging images with video, so the user can take pictures while photographing a video, and then the camera merges these images with the video clip to produce a new video. PowerShot D30 supports GPS technology (English: GPS), and this is made use of by marking the pictures taken at the place they were photographed.

Canon PowerShot Inn

Canon Powershot N camera is easy to carry and use, as it is small in size and can be placed in the pocket, and its small size does not affect the quality of its photos, as it can shoot high-resolution images. The Canon Powershot N100 product (English: Powershot N100) is very similar to the specifications of Powershot N; it differs slightly in form, and it is equipped with a front lens that depicts the user while photographing images.

The Believer's Focus 120

The Powershot S120 (English: Canon Powershot S120) is a high-performance camera, which is characterized by its ability to shoot high-resolution images with a sensor that supports 12 megapixels and the ability to magnify the image five times, and this did not prevent this machine from being small in size. The Powershot S200 is similar to the Powershot S200, but its price is lower due to its lower performance.

Canon PowerShot G1X

Owns a camera Canon PowerShot Ji Wen X Marc Tu ( in English: Canon Powershot G1 X Mark II) large lens with a resolution of 12.8 megapixels, was designed for the purpose of photographing images with high accuracy in places lacking light.

Canon EOS 1200D

The Canon EOS 1200D (English: Canon EOS 1200D) has 18 megapixels and 1080p video capability. This camera is one of the digital mono lens cameras, and its price is good compared to this type of camera. The digital.  

Canon EOS 100D

It is a digital camera with a single-lens reflex, similar to the specifications of the ISO 1200D, the accuracy of 18 megapixels, and is able to shoot videos in 1080p quality. The Canon EOS 100D has a touch screen that allows the user to control the camera, and this camera is the least by weight of all digital mono lens cameras produced by Canon.

Saturday 28 March 2020


The story of the people of the cave - AR Times

The Cave

Stories in the Holy Quran

The Holy Qur'an was concerned with arranging the events of the previous nations and showing them to the immortal nation of Islam, and this concern is not a place of increase or narration and random narration;  

The verses of the Qur'an included three types of stories. The first style was the remembrance of the prophets and their resurrection and miracles, the attitudes of their people and the reward of those who believed in them or disbelievers. As for the second type, it is concerned with mentioning major events and great stories, such as the mention of Karun, the owners of the cave, and the owners of the elephant. As for the third type, its scope was related to the events of the resurrection of the Prophet Muhammad (ï·º), peace and blessings be upon him, and the course of his vocation and conquests, such as the mention of nostalgia, and the legislation of rulings as in the story of the argument.

The method of the Qur’an in the stories is based on the objectivity of presenting the story and bringing it from history to be exposed to its pure origin from distortion and change. including God made in their stories right and a lesson, and a believer at the invitation of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and what is clear to him the strength of the Holy Qur'an and likeness, and then evoke the lesson and the establishment of the argument and understanding Altchera. The Qur’anic narrative, which is directed to work in the spirit, brings a sense of responsibility and belonging to the Qur’anic story. In the story, what is achieved through other effects of the verses, their spirituality and their miracles are achieved.

The story of the people of the cave

Description Koran owners cave descriptions grainy reflect what holds the characters of the story and the heroes of the values represent the demand of faith in Allah alone, the Almighty said: (We are the lack of you Nbohm the right young they believed in their Lord and Zdnahm Huda). In the news of the owners of the cave that they fled their religion from a king who appeared in their city and worshipped idols and worshipped his people, so these boys left him for a cave outside the city, fleeing their religion. The narratives agree that the boys were on the religion of Hazrat Isa peace be upon him, son of Hazrat Maryam Peace be upon him and that the name of the king infidel Dgiws or Dguenios, and the name of the city, which is ruled by Ephesus or said Tarsus, and of them came out the young fear of the king on their religion and themselves, and they were seven as likely commentators cite as mentioned by the Koran, the Almighty said: (They will say three fourth, They say their dog five Vhm their dog and say, stoning the unseen seven Thamnhm their dog say: My Lord knows what Bdhm teach only a few in them, but there is no doubt Substantially Visible and Tsf including one of them), In that, it was said that denying the first and second censuses appeared by following the sentence (by stoning the unseen); in the sense of defamation of the unseen without proof or evidence, then the census resumed to reveal the true number, so they were seven and eighth their dog, and Allah knows best.

Boys exit to the cave

It was said in the conditions of the boys that they were among the sons of the elders or the sons of kings, and that they were young, and that King Diqnius was circling the cities of the Romans, so no one would keep the religion of Hazrat Isa Ibn e Maryam peace be upon him, except for killing him, and the boys denounced the idolatry of idols and the people of King Diqnius and underestimated their condition, so remember with Diqnius that among the sons of your court who disobey your order and spoil your gods, then collect the young Daqnius and order them to sell, and then sell them to him, and then follow them Consistency over their religion and their determination to stick to it and defend it, then he saw that he should make an appointment for them to seek their return to him and his gods, and he would not delay their account except for considering the modernity of their age and their ignorance of what may be done in them by killing and shedding blood and suspending their body parts on a The concierge city as it does on including non - religion, and began Dguenios outside the city is seeking, gathered young people to retire and flee to a cave in a mountain on the outskirts of the city said to him Bngelos, Fjalo worship Allah and occupy the rest of their time to pray and remembrance And they made one of them for their food and his name was Malikha, so if he wanted to go to the city market and put on him the clothes that he was known for his honor and lineage and wear torn clothes that he would hide from the people of his city, then he would return to his friends with food and livelihood without anyone feeling it.

The return of the king

 When King Deqnius returned to Medina, he asked the boys for their sake, which he delayed for them. The people mentioned to him what was their matter, so he gathered his soldiers and then set out to the cave, and he built upon him to die inside him. During sleep. Then Allah sent a king over the religion of Hazrat Isa Ibn e Maryam peace be upon him was during his reign that Allah authorized the opening of the cave by the hand of a shepherd who intended the cave to protect his sheep from rain, so Allah sent the companions of the cave to differ in the duration of their sleep, then they sent Mulekhah based on their food to buy for them, so every time he passed a landmark that he had People denied him and asked to ask about his matter, then they raised his matter to the king and told stories to him, so the king and his people followed him to the cave to witness the source of his companions. They built them a mosque in which to pray.

Suitable story of the people of the cave in the Holy Quran

Surah Al-Kahf was revealed in confirmation of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and in confirmation of his message, because the unbelievers of Quraysh sent Al-Nazr bin Al-Harith and Uqba ibn Abi Mu’ait to the rabbis of the Jews. The cave, the second of which is the circling man, and the third of the Spirit, so the revelation of the Messenger of Allah slowed for five days, then it was brought to him by Surah Al-Kahf, and the news of the owners of the cave, which is the two centuries, and the verse was revealed : (And they ask you about the Spirit).


Monday 23 March 2020


Tourism in Kuala Lumpur - Tourist places - AR Times

Kuala Lumpur

Tourist places in Kuala Lumpur

Tourism has flourished in recent decades in Malaysia, especially its capital, Kuala Lumpur, due to the great interest of the government in the development of the tourism sector, and the efforts made to encourage and stimulate tourism in the country, as it has attracted a large number of Arab and foreign tourists from different parts of the world, and Kuala Lumpur is distinguished as being the foremost important city In Malaysia due to its urban and economic development, despite the character of the town that's filled with movement and activity throughout the hours of the day, it's wrapped in vast areas of green nature that provide calm and relaxation for its pioneers, and here are the foremost tourist areas Visit in Kuala Lumpur.

Al Arab street

This street was called the Arab Street because most of the Arab activities are in its shops and commercial centres, and the Arab Street is considered one of the most active and vital streets among the rest of Kuala Lumpur streets, and there are abundant stores of this Arab character such as restaurants, oud shops and cafes, which are known among the local people by their names Arabia such as Al Tarboush Restaurant, Nabab, the Desert Tent, and other tourist offices that are distributed on the outskirts of the street. Arab Street also contains a number of hotels classified within the category of five stars, and a number of mega commercial centres that include a number of the most famous shops specialized in selling international brands, and a number of electronics stores. Most of the shops are open on this street for 24 hours, so the square can enjoy eating in Arab restaurants at any time.

Chinese market 

One of the favoured markets most visited by local residents and tourists in Kuala Lumpur, where goods of all types extend along several streets, and therefore the market is usually crowded with buyers, which makes movement difficult in it, but it represents a pleasure for tourists because it contains unique and distinctive goods, additionally to the likelihood Merchants joints round the price, as there's next to the Chinese market a market specialized in selling handicrafts and native industries, which represent distinct gifts for friends and relatives, it is important to be careful when buying and monitor the difference in prices between stores, where tourists are often cheated in prices in these markets n Because of their ignorance of currency and prices.

Kuala Lumpur Grand Mosque

It is characterized by being the largest mosque for Muslims in Kuala Lumpur and has been designed and built in a way that is distinct and strange from other mosques, as it is a mixture of Moroccan, Indian and Mughal engineering, where its domes come in a winding way, and the mosque is located near the old train station, which makes it easy to walk from the station.