
Thursday 23 April 2020

Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation - Causes of Constipation & Their Treatment - AR Times


Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation

Constipation occurs when a person’s bowel movements are harsh and dry, or when the time between bowel movements spans longer than usual, and constipation holds more than one image for different people because for many people it simply means less passing stool, As for others, constipation means producing difficult stools, difficulty or stress in passing stools, or feeling that complete emptying does not happen after the bowel movement, as there are different reasons behind all these varying symptoms, and for this, the approach should be with each patient Personally identifying him, As people can have different types of bowel movement, and only the same person knows what is normal for him, it should also be noted that constipation is not a disease, but it may be a symptom of another medical problem, constipation may continue to occur for a short period or Long according to the cause of its occurrence.

Three Quick Advises to Relieve Constipation

In order to relieve fast and healthy constipation, some changes should be made to the established lifestyle, diet, and if these adjustments are not sufficient, drug treatments may be used.

Lifestyle change

The person who suffers from constipation should drink enough water and exercise regularly on most days of the week. It is also recommended that you do not postpone and go to the bathroom immediately when you feel the need for release.

Food therapy

Some foods help relieve constipation, by adding stool volume, and their work to soften stools, reduce the time of intestinal transit, and increase the number of times the stool is excreted. Below are some of the foods that can help relieve constipation and keep people in position Natural:
  • Peach: As dried peach is used as one of the natural remedies for the problem of constipation, it contains peachesCellulose is one of the fibres in the peach, which is a type of insoluble fibre, and works to increase the amount of water in the stool, and thus increase the volume of stools, and in addition to this the soluble fibre found in Peach is fermented in the colon to produce short-chain fatty acids, which also increase stool weight, and peach contains sorbitol, an alcohol sugar that the body does not absorb well, causing water to be drawn into the colon. , And thus leads to a milli effect In a small number of people, it should be noted that peaches also contain phenolic compounds, which stimulate beneficial intestinal bacteria and thus may contribute to a laxative effect.
  • Apple: is the apple is rich in fibre, as most are fibre - soluble that apple contains the form of dietary fibre called pectin ( in English: Pectin), where the fermentation of pectin in the intestine quickly by bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids, which you drag Water to the colon, and thus he managed to soften the stool, and it can be said that eating apples is an easy way to increase the fibre content in the diet, and reduce constipation, and it is possible to eat apples whole, in the form of juice, in salads, or in baked goods.
  • Pears: Pears are also considered rich in fibre, and pears are distinguished when compared to different types of fruits because they contain high levels of fructose (Soractol) and sorbitol, and fructose is a poorly absorbed sugar in the body, which means that amounts of it remain in the colon, And draws water through the osmotic property, which stimulates the bowel movement, and as we mentioned earlier, pears also contain sorbitol sugar, which is like fructose is not absorbed well in the body, as it works as a natural laxative, by introducing water to the intestine, Pears can be introduced now Food or a variety of ways, such as being eaten raw, or cooked with cheese, or put them in salads, and dishes are delicious, and baked goods.
  • Senna (English: Senna) It is a herbal laxative, where the use of the tooth to reduce constipation is widespread, as it is available for exchange without a prescription, and it can also be taken orally or rectally, and it should be noted that the tooth contains a number of plant compounds Glycosides are called (Glycosides), which stimulate the nerves in the intestine and thus accelerate the bowel movement, and it should be noted that the use of Senna is not recommended by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with certain health conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, However, it is usually considered safe to use a tooth For adults, only for short and limited periods of time, you should consult a doctor if the symptoms do not go away after a few days.  

Drug therapy

Constipation can be eliminated quickly by taking laxatives, as it is effective in reducing constipation, but it must be noted that it is intended for short-term use only, and laxatives are drugs that reduce constipation by making stools soft or stimulating bowel movement, Laxatives come in the form of pills, capsules, liquids, foods, suppositories, and enemas. One of the most common side effects of laxatives: bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. It is worth noting that it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and maintain body moisture when taking laxatives.

Causes of constipation

Some of the factors and causes that lead to constipation include:
  • Changes in what a person eats, changes in activities he or she does, and the diet do not contain adequate amounts of water or fibre.
  • Eat a lot of dairy products.
  • Reduced activity and stress.
  • Resist the urge to go to the toilet for defecation.
  • Overuse of laxatives.
  • Use of some types of medicine, especially strong analgesics, such as narcotics, in addition to antidepressants, iron pills, and antacids that contain calcium or aluminium.
  • Infection syndrome irritable bowel syndrome ( in English: Irritable bowel syndrome).
  • Pregnancy.
  • There are problems in the nerves and muscles in the digestive system, and examples of nerve: the problems of Parkinson 's disease ( in English: Parkinson's disease), or multiple sclerosis ( in English: Multiple sclerosis).
  • Colon cancer.
  • Hypothyroidism ( in English: Hypothyroidism).
  • Rectal cancer, or rectal swelling across the posterior wall of the vagina.
  • Changes in life or daily routine, such as travel.


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