
Thursday 26 March 2020

What Dreams Says - Meaning of a Dream - AR Times



 1 Dream and vision
 2 Meaning of a dream
 3 Meaning of Revelation
 4 sections of Revelation
 5 The difference between a dream and a vision
 6 Etiquette of visions
   6.1 If he sees what he loves
    6.2 If he sees what he hates

Dream and vision 

The vast majority of people are distinguished by what is known as seeing dreams during their sleep, but most of this is only a natural result of what passes with a person in his daily life, which makes him translate into dreams, and some of those dreams may be happy and maybe bad annoying, while a small percentage is distinguished. Of those dreams to be realistic, it may be fulfilled as soon as it is, and may refer to something that will happen soon or far, and Allah - the Highest, the Highest - has devoted his prophets, messengers, and righteous from His servants in what is known as the vision, where their dreams mostly refer to something It must be real, as it is For a true vision of the ways of revelation that were revealed to Allah’s prophets as happened with Hazrat Ibrahim - peace and blessings be upon him - when he saw that he was slaughtering his son Ismail, peace be upon him, know that this is a message from Allah to him and he must comply with it, The Almighty said (when he reached with him to seek said, my son, I see in a dream that I see what you see Ozbg said, O my father, do what I commanded to find me, God willing of the patient), What is the vision? What is a dream? and What is the difference between them?

Meaning of a Dream 

A dream in the language is a name, and dreams are collected by it, which is: what the sleeper sees in his sleep, and the hatred of dreams: what was ambiguous and confused is difficult for the interpreter, and the land of dreams: an ideal and imaginary place, it is said: his dreams went away with the winds; And, the dream of awakening in psychology is defined as: (a fictional meditation and a continuation of visions during the awakening, which is a psychological way to fulfil the unfulfilled aspirations and desires as if they were fulfilled).

The meaning of the vision 

The vision in the language is a name, and it was collected: visions, and its source; a view, which is: what a person sees during his sleep, and a true vision is defined as the first way to reveal what is in the unseen, and the Messenger Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, began his prophecy with a true vision, Allah Almighty said in his book Dear: (God has true His Messenger, Revelation true).

Sections of Revelation

The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, divided the vision into three sections. The prophetic hadith is based on what Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated from the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: “If the time approaches, the vision of a Muslim will hardly lie, Of the forty-five parts of the prophecy and the vision are three: a good vision is good news from Allah, a vision of sadness from Satan, and a vision of what one talks about himself, so if one of you sees what he hates, let him stand, let him pray, and people will not talk to it, and he will love the chains and the chains. religion, I do not know is to talk or Ibn Sirin) said. These three sections that the Hadith mentioned most often are the ones that happen, and there may be visions that have other causes, but the sections mentioned in the hadith are as follows:
  • Good and good vision, which is the expression of seeing a person in his dream about what he loves, so that he sends joy and activity in himself, and this section is a blessing from Allah Almighty to man; it is from the urgent good tidings of the believer, and it is a good skin.
  • The hated vision, which is a person’s vision in his dream of what he hates, and this vision from Satan to disturb man, and the medicine of this vision seeking refuge with Allah from the evil of Satan, and from the evil of this vision and does not mention it to anyone; it does not harm him.
  • The vision that does not have a specific goal, and this vision may sometimes be from the conversation of the soul so that a person sees something his heart is attached to him, or he is constantly thinking about it, or it is from the manipulation of Satan with him, and this has no meaning.

The difference between a dream and a vision

There are several distinctions between the vision and the dream, including what was narrated from Abu Qatada - may Allah be pleased with him - he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - saying: (The vision of Allah and the dream of Satan. If one of you sees something that he hates, let him be breathed three times to his left If I wake up and seek refuge in Allah from its evil, then it will not harm him, Allah willing.) Abu Salamah said: If I see the vision - it is heavier than me from the mountain - then when I heard this hadith, I would not have been indifferent to it and the differences between me),
  • One of the most prominent signs of a sincere vision of a visionary is the speed of his attention when he sees it so that he forms a perception that it is a vision as if he takes notice until he returns to the sense through vigilance, even if he is asleep, due to the heaviness of what was thrown through the vision and its perception. Proving the perception among the seer and his perpetuity with the impression that what he sees is a vision with all its details, so that he can preserve and repeat it.
  • Proving the perception among the seer and his perpetuity with the impression that what he sees is a vision with all its details, so that he can preserve and repeat it.
  • The vision is through watching the sleeper something he loves, and it is at the origin of Allah Almighty, and it may be with the aim and intent to preach something that is good for the visionary or his loved one or one of his family, or there is a warning from an evil that may come to him so that he can distract him from himself or who he loves Or perhaps there is help and guidance for him in a specific way, so if a Muslim sees that in his dreams and is translated into reality, then it is Sunnah for Allah to praise him and tell him who he loves among the people. As for a dream, it is about what he sees as a sleeper of hated things, and it is in the origin of the devil intent to intimidate him and occupancy, and isti'aadhah year of those dreams if he saw her after a Muslim Spits out his left three times if Astiqd from his sleep shuddering because of it, nor should it happen by anyone so as not to harm him, as the Sunnah for him to turn away from the side on which it was, though he was able to pray two, it is better for him.

Etiquette of visions

Visions have morals, whether the person sees what pleases him or what he hates, and in both cases, the following are the following:

If he sees what he loves

He instructed the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, about the manners he should do if he saw a vision that pleased him. These manners are as follows:

  • That a Muslim praises Allah Almighty to this vision because it is a blessing bestowed on him. On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: (If one of you sees a vision that he loves, then it is from Allah, so let Allah praise it and speak to it And if he sees something other than that which he hates, then she is from Satan, so he does not seek refuge from her evil, and does not mention her to anyone, then she does not harm him).
  • To talk to her and tell her who he loves.
  • To bode well with what he saw.

If he sees what he hates

One of the manners that a Muslim follows in his dream is what he hates from what was mentioned in the Prophet’s Hadith. From what Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “When the time approaches, the believer’s vision is barely close, and the believer’s vision is part of the forty-six part of the prophecy and what was of prophecy, I do not lie Muhammad (ï·º)
 said, and I say this said, and it was said to three vision: modern psychology, scare the devil, and glad tidings of Allah, it saw something he hates not IQs on one does and pray)

  • To seek refuge in Allah from the evil of what he saw. 
  • To seek refuge from the evil of Satan. 
  • Not to mention the vision to anyone To spoil (spit) when he wakes up from his sleep three times. 
  • To pray when he is standing. 
  • It turns from the side that is sleeping on it.

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