
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Ways of treatment in Homeopathy - How does homeopathy work

Ways of treatment in Homeopathy

Ways of treatment in Homeopathy

The classic homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic therapy method based on experience, with which we have the opportunity to sustainably improve the overall condition of people with their life energy and defences.
From a homeopathic point of view, illness always means a disorder for the whole person, therefore the organism gets into an imbalance and the person gets sick. All the symptoms that occur are not to be seen in isolation but as part of the disease. All symptoms (such as pain, fever, insomnia or anxiety) are related to each other, as an expression of the derailed life force. 
This imbalance needs to be restored with an individual homeopathic medicine selected for the patient.

Therefore, when choosing the homeopathic medicine, you have to pay attention to everything, even the smallest peculiarities in the psychological and physical area.

The detailed first medical history serves to obtain a comprehensive picture.

The treatment goal is to alleviate your symptoms and achieve a stable balance with healing if possible. Because the success of the treatment depends on many factors, it is not possible to give an accurate forecast. With acute illnesses, a positive reaction can often be felt after hours or a few days. Chronic diseases sometimes require long treatment times and long-term care. 

However, this does not mean that you cannot feel any improvement in your symptoms in the short term. 
Below you will find information on:

History of classic homeopathy       
Effect of homeopathy       
Chronic and acute illnesses       
Opportunities and limits of homeopathy       
- course of treatment       


History of classic homeopathy

Homeopathy was developed by the doctor, pharmacist and chemist Samuel Hahnemann  (*10 April 1755 – 2 July 1843). He developed a comprehensive healing system within 50 years and called his life's work "homeopathy" (Greek homoion = similar and pathos = suffering). Hahnemann was a well-known doctor at his time who gave up his practice because he was dissatisfied with the conventional therapy methods (which in some cases had considerable side effects). He specialized in the translation of medical works and came across a document on the effects of the Chinese bark on malaria. Hahnemann found this description very interesting, but the explanation of the mode of action was unsatisfactory. Then he tried the bark on himself and got symptoms as if he had malaria himself. He concluded that a substance has symptoms in a patient can heal what she is able to evoke in a healthy person. He formulated the guiding principle of homeopathy:
Similia similibus curentur - Similar things are cured by similar things.
After this discovery, Hahnemann spent the rest of his life finding other medicines and testing them on himself and others. Based on this knowledge, he built up the entire teaching of homeopathy. 
Since many of his students and other homeopaths have followed his example to this day, we have a large number of homeopathic remedies available today.
Another achievement of Hahnemann is the research into the optimal way of producing his means. Through gradual trituration with milk sugar or shaking with an alcohol-water mixture (potentiation / potentia = strength), his medicines achieve a higher degree of effectiveness than the pure starting material. Even today, the homeopathic medicines (globules or drops) are made according to his instructions, which were written down in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB).
Various directions in homeopathy have developed over the past 200 years.

There is clinical homeopathy, which uses the remedies primarily according to their physical effects. In complex remedies homeopathy, various remedies, mostly with a specific organ reference, or a specific direction of action  (e.g. for pain) are mixed into a single preparation.

The Classical Homeopathy , however, operates strictly according to the rules of Hahnemann, after the Organon of Medicine ( = be Grundlagenbuch for real proper healing).
The means are prescribed according to the similarity rule, and only one means is given at a time. The healing takes place from the inside out, to strengthen the personal life force.
This is to avoid that healing of external diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis)  does not cause internal diseases (e.g. asthma). All symptoms of body, mind and soul are taken into account in drug discovery and drug effects.

How does homeopathy work

Everyone has their life force that keeps all their parts (body, mind and soul) in a healthy balance. If this vital force is disturbed or weakened, it manifests itself through symptoms.

Example: You have worked a lot (digging in the garden or similar) and you are now tired, you start yawning, all bones and muscles hurt. The vitality is exhausted and signals your tiredness. After a good night's sleep, you feel better again. 
So your life force is always looking for a way to restore your personal harmony. This usually also works with normal loads. 
With heavy loads, however, a good meal or sleep is no longer sufficient to remedy the symptoms. Then the homeopathic treatment can strengthen the vitality and stimulate and support the self-healing powers.

Chronic and acute diseases

Acute diseases usually do not last longer than 3 weeks and can quickly be improved with homeopathy. In a targeted conversation, the therapist collects the symptoms and then chooses the right remedy.
In the case of chronic illnesses, the patient's entire symptoms are recorded with all physical, mental and psychological symptoms. But information such as dislikes or preferences are also important, all illnesses, surgery and vaccinations, and interests.  All of this must be taken into account in order to get the most accurate picture possible so that the most similar remedy can be found.
That is why a chronic initial medical history usually takes about 2 hours. 
Then the repertorization (elaboration and search for funds) takes place.

Homeopathy is the therapy of the whole person and not that of the disease.

 Chances and limits of homeopathy

Many acute and chronic complaints can be alleviated and often even cured with classic homeopathy


Acute - gastrointestinal infections, colds, strains, sprains, inflammation and much more

Chronic - migraines, cardiovascular disorders, susceptibility to infections, neurodermatitis, allergy, behavioural disorders, asthma, also mental disorders such as stage fright, shock, fright, anxiety, mood swings, depression and sleep disorders.
Children in particular usually have a high level of vitality and therefore respond particularly well to homeopathic medicinal products, not least in the case of childhood abnormalities and behaviour disorders.


Homeopathy also has its limits.

If cells are inevitably destroyed, e.g. in the case of gene defects, when operations are required, or when tumour diseases have to be treated when there are obstacles to healing (e.g. blockages - these should first be removed -), homeopathy can also do so do no miracle cures.
Accompanying homeopathic treatment, but also in these cases, can effectively support the healing process, sometimes even heal italleviate the side effects of other therapies, and always have a positive influence on people especially in incurable processes, and strengthen their vitality, often maintain their quality of life for longer.


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