
Saturday, 14 December 2019

5 Fiber Foods That Are Good for Your Health

5 Fiber Foods That Are Good for Your Health

Anyone who hears fiber is thought to be a healthy nutrient that helps digestion. But experts say there are many other benefits to fiber that the public does not know.

Experts say fiber can help to treat diabetes by making you feel full longer, and it regulates blood sugar and lowers blood cholesterol levels. In order to get the nutritional benefits of fiber, if you consume 1000 calories, you should include about 14g.

However, most do not meet the recommended amount. This can be easily solved by adding fiber-rich foods to our meals. The US Internet media Huffington Post introduced fiber-rich foods.

Apples Apples are the most basic source of fiber. 3g or more fiber is good food, apples have 4g. Eating an apple a day can help you get the recommended daily amount of fiber.


 medium sized onion has 2g of fiber. The quantity is not good enough. Inulin, a polysaccharide found in onions, is a soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol levels. Inulin is added to fiber supplements, but onions, asparagus and green onions are natural sources.


Sweet and juicy fruit Kiwi has 2g of fiber. It's great for an afternoon snack if you carry a few in your bag. You can also fill the amount of fiber you need per day. The berries are similar, especially raspberries, which contain 8g of fiber per cup.


 American nutritionist Jessica Crandall says, "People are foods that are high in fiber and they always think about vegetables and fruits, and nuts are no less." A quarter cup of almonds contains 4 grams of fiber. Nuts also have different nutrients depending on the type, so do not stick to one thing.

Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds, the staple foods of ancient Aztecs, are a good source of fiber because they contain both water-soluble and insoluble fiber. One teaspoon of chia seed contains 6 g of fiber. You can eat chia seeds for 30 minutes in iced tea or a drink. You can also mix it with yogurt, oatmeal, rice, and salad.

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