
Sunday, 15 December 2019

What is a healthy diet? Summary of basic knowledge of healthy eating

What is a healthy diet? Summary of basic knowledge of healthy eating

Eating habits is essential for human beings to maintain their lives and lead healthy and happy lives.

This is because making the body and mind healthy through meals is directly linked to the quality of life, such as work and private life. However, the dietary habits of modern people are in a situation where there is no problem.

The Japanese diet has greatly diversified from the traditional Japanese diet, and animal proteins and lipids have increased, leading to lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It has increased.

Be aware of healthy eating habits to prevent these risks. This time, we will introduce the points to change your normal diet healthily using “fruit”.

 The experts recommends eating 200 g or more of fruits per day from the viewpoint of health promotion.

 In all ages, the target amount has not reached 200g per day.

The generations in their 20s and 30s are required to eat fruit more actively, especially with low intake.

So, is 200 grams of fruit so difficult to eat?

The number corresponding to 200g for each fruit was calculated as follows.

Pear: 1 piece
Grapes: 1 bunch
Momo: 2 pieces
Apple: 1
Banana: 2
Kiwi fruit: 2 pieces

Especially recommended for breakfast is that you can replenish glycogen and glucose lost from sleep by eating fruit.

Incorporate fruit into your breakfast for a lively day.

The Misconception That Eating Fruit Will Make You Fat

Some people may be wondering when they get fruit into their eating habits, because they are sweet and they get fat when eaten. However, the facts are different.

The sweetness of fruits is due to fructose, which is 1.15 to 1.73 times sweeter than sugar.

Recent fruits are felt sweeter due to technological innovation, so even if you feel very sweet, the sugar in your body is not as good as it tastes.

What's more, most of the fruit is water and low in calories, so even if you eat a full stomach, it doesn't immediately lead to obesity.

Specifically, the calorie per 100g of kiwi fruit is about 15% of that of a short cake, and there is almost no fat.

For example, in order to consume a calorie equivalent to a short cake, it is necessary to eat fruit seven times as much as the short cake.

For these reasons, if you want to eat sweets, eating fruits instead of shortcakes can lead to a diet.

In addition, the dietary fiber contained in the fruit is low in energy and expands with moisture, resulting in a feeling of fullness, so it helps to prevent overeating.

Furthermore, since fruit has viscosity in the stomach and small intestine, it has a dietary effect that makes it difficult for blood fat and cholesterol to rise by suppressing the absorption of lipids and sugars and slowing the absorption speed. Ideal as a dessert after a meal.

So should we refrain from fruit if you have diabetes?

In fact, the experts of diabetes  recommends that you take 1 unit (80 kcal) of fruit a day in the “Food Exchange Table for Diabetes Diet”.

The reason we recommend eating fruit is because it is high in vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber per energy, and is a food that can efficiently get the necessary nutrients even in a restricted diet.

80kcal here is 2 for oranges and half for apples. Of course, eating too much isn't good, but if you eat it with the proper amount, you can expect a good effect on your health.

If you are not diabetic, try 200g a day, and if you have diabetes, try 80kcal a day.

In the next topic, we will introduce the health benefits of each fruit.

Classic Fruits Also Have a Variety of Health Benefits


Citrus fruits such as tangerines have the highest nutritional value among fruits.

The white area of the skin contains vitamin P, which strengthens the capillaries and prevents arteriosclerosis.

It also contains carotene, which strengthens the skin and mucous membranes, limonene, which is effective in preventing cancer, vitamins C, E, and flavonoids that have antioxidant properties.

Of particular note is the high content of β-cryptoxanthin.

Synergistic effects with vitamin C are expected to prevent infections and improve immunity, which is effective in preventing colds.


 Like a mandarin orange, it is a classic fruit apple, but it also boasts a high nutritional value.

In addition to vitamins, minerals and organic acids, it also contains abundant ingredients that inhibit cholesterol absorption, such as pectin, a water-soluble dietary fiber.

In addition, it is effective for dieting because it is low in calories and has good stomach.

Apple skins are also rich in polyphenol anthocyanins and can be expected to have anti-aging effects due to their antioxidant properties.


Bananas that athletes often eat for competition attract attention as a digestible energy source. It also contains abundant oligosaccharides that are beneficial to good bacteria in the large intestine.

Although not well known, the antioxidant power of polyphenols is one of the best among fruits. Taking bananas can be expected to prevent arteriosclerosis and suppress cancer.

The effects of bananas extend to the spirit. It contains abundant substances that make up the serotonin that stabilizes the mind.

The percentage of sugar in bananas, which is an energy source, increases as you ripen.


Strawberries that reach the season from winter to spring are rich in vitamin C.

If it is medium grain, 7 grains can take the necessary vitamin C per day, which is effective for cold prevention.

It's not just vitamin C that is abundant.

Dietary fiber pectin, which is abundant in strawberry components, suppresses the increase in blood sugar level and increases the number of good bacteria in the intestines to prevent high blood pressure and colon cancer.

In addition, we can expect many happy health effects for women.

Eating strawberries promotes the production of collagen in the body, preventing wrinkles and, conversely, suppressing the production of melanin that causes spots.

In addition, it contains abundant xylitol and flavonoids that help prevent tooth decay.


The main ingredients of grapes full of fruit juice are sugars such as fructose and glucose. Since these carbohydrates quickly become an energy source in the body, they can be said to have a high fatigue recovery effect.

The nutritional effect of grapes is actually abundant in the skin. Anthocyanins, a kind of polyphenols that have an antioxidant effect, make the grapes a vivid purple.

Anthocyanins can remove active oxygen from the body, prevent aging, restore vision and improve liver function.

You can eat it as it is, but if you eat it with raisins and the skin, the minerals will increase, which will further enhance the nutritional effect.


In the summer, watermelons, which increase their presence in supermarkets, are said to be effective in preventing kidney disease and preventing summer heat.

The pulp contains antioxidant B-carotene and lycopene, and can be expected to prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

The skin contains a lot of potassium and amino acids, and is effective in improving swelling.

In addition, watermelon contains a health ingredient unique to Cucurbitaceae vegetables called citrulline. By rejuvenating blood vessels and increasing blood flow, metabolism is increased, fatigue recovery, relieving coldness, and prevention of arteriosclerosis are achieved. The effect can be expected.

The freshly harvested watermelon is particularly sweet and delicious, so be sure to eat it.


It is representative of tropical fruits that can be eaten easily.

Pineapple contains a lot of vitamin B1 that helps decompose carbohydrates and promote metabolism, and also contains vitamins B2, C, and citric acid, so it can be expected to recover from fatigue, prevent summer heat, and prevent aging.

In addition, it contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps digestion, and synergistic effects with dietary fiber that is abundant in pineapple helps keep gastric juices active and maintain gastrointestinal health.


Melon with its soft flesh and sweet scent is rich in potassium.

Potassium is effective in preventing high blood pressure and obesity because it discharges excess salt from the body. Because of these effects, it is recommended to make a dessert after a meal.

The reason why melons are often useful during illness visits was also a health effect.

Compared with other fruits, melon is low in dietary fiber and easy to digest, and it contains glucose and fructose, which are immediate energy sources, and citric acid, which is effective in relieving fatigue. It ’s very good.

There is also a blood smoothing and hair-growth ingredient called adenosine, so please try it with us.


Pear with a fresh and crisp texture is rich in water and low in calories, making it ideal for post-meal desserts.

Fructose, malic acid, and citric acid contained in the fruit have a fatigue recovery effect, and sorbitol, a kind of sugar with a refreshing sweetness, has an intestinal action.

In addition, since it contains protease, which is a proteolytic enzyme, cooking with meat makes it softer and easier to digest.

In addition, it is dietary fiber called lignin and pentozan that is the basis of the crunchy texture. It promotes peristaltic movement of the intestines and improves bowel movements.


Avocado with a rich taste that you can't think of as a fruit, also called “forest butter”.

The fat, which is the basis of its rich taste, contains plenty of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) that help reduce cholesterol, preventing arteriosclerosis.

Also rich in vitamins B1, B2, E, minerals and dietary fiber, it is effective in preventing hypertension and cerebral infarction.

Avocado oil extracted from avocado pulp can be used not only as an edible but also as a essence to improve aging and rough skin.

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