
Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Do You Know About Animals?

Do You Know About Animals?

Verses of Allah in the universe

Allah Almighty called His worshipers in his noble book to think about the universe around them, by land, sea, and air, because of the verses that honor the heart for the Creator, and a recognition of its uniqueness, its oneness, its knowledge, and its power. Almighty said: (And from His signs and creation in which broadcast from the living creatures that He gathered them if he wants Kadeer), and says: (Allah created every creature of water, some of them walking on his stomach and some of them walking on two men and two of them walking on four creates a What pleases him, God over all things), so in this article we will review some information about some of the types of animals and insects to get to know the exquisite creation of Allah.

General information about animals

  • The scorpion dies if it approaches the fire, because heat changes the properties of the proteins that make up its body and works to coagulate it, causing violent convulsions that affect the body, especially the tail, and this is contrary to the popular belief that the scorpion bites itself if it is trapped in the fire to get rid of the pain.
  • The crocodile is the only animal that can move its upper jaw when swallowing its food while the lower jaw remains stationary and does not move. [4] The blue whale is the largest animal found on the planet, with a weight of (200) tons.
  • The blue whale is the largest animal found on the planet, with a weight of (200) tons.
  • Fish that live in the depths of the ocean are not blind as some believe, but they are distinguished from the rest of the fish by the distinctive structure of the retina, which consists of several layers of photoreceptors, and thus are the only animals that have a reserve of optical pigments.
  • The horse can stay afloat for several months without having to lie down.
  • The first zoo in the world is the Vienna Zoo which was established in 1752 AD at Schönbrunn Palace.
  • Octopus can get rid of its arms when attacked by predators, and the ones it loses grow again after a few weeks.
  • Octopus has three hearts, and its blood is blue because it contains hemoglobin that contains copper.
  • An ostrich egg is the largest egg in the world, it is between 6-9 inches long, weighs between 1.4-2.3 km, which is only about 1% of the mother's weight.
  • Deer have no gallbladder (biliary gland).
  • Tarantula Spiders (English: Tarantula) can live for more than two years without eating food.
  • An ostrich is faster than a horse, and a male ostrich can roar like a lion.
  • The bat is the only breasted animal that can fly.
  • The crocodile can live (100) years.
  • A single tooth of an elephant weighs 9 pounds, roughly four kilograms.
  • Cats have (32) muscles in each ear.
  • The skin of the tiger is striped just like the fur it covers.
  • The blue whale's tongue is more heavier than weight of an elephant.
  • The elephant can find out where the water is three miles away.
  • One hundred whales are killed daily by whalers.
  • The snail's eye can grow again when it is pulled out.
  • Goat is the first animal domesticated by humans.
  • The heart of a whale only beats nine times per minute.
  • Newborn panda is smaller than mouse.
  • Hummingbird flies its wings 60-80 times per second.
  • The dog has 1700 bud tasting on his tongue.
  • Rodent teeth grow throughout their life.
  • The bat can eat 1,000 insects every hour.
  • The elephant hose is made up of 15,000 muscles, and can drink 200 liters of water per day.
  • The squirrel cannot distinguish red.
  • Mouse resorts to eat its tail if it does not find what to eat.
  • Starfish is the only animal that can tip its stomach out.
  • The crocodile cannot move backward.
  • Starfish has eight eyes, one at the end of each arm of its arms.
  • The giraffe has no vocal cords.
  • The mole can dig a 300-mile tunnel in just a night.
  • The flamingo is pink due to its frequent consumption of shrimp.
  • The Tigon is an animal that results from the mating of a male leopard with a female lioness, and a liger is an animal that results from the mating of a male lion with a female leopard.
  • The whale's embryo grows inside the mother's womb until it reaches a third of its height.
  • Cats can hear ultrasound.
  • The dog's nose is wet so he can pick up the smallest drops of the chemical that makes up the smells.
  • Arachnophobia is called arachnophobia.
  • Polar bears are the largest species of predator that lives on Earth.

General information about insects

  • A female flies lays approximately 900 eggs throughout her 15-30 days of life.
  • The bee flaps its wings about (230) times every second.
  • The number of ants in the world is over a million times greater than humans.
  • Grasshopper can jump up to twenty times the length of its body.
  • Ants never sleep, and they have no lungs.
  • The butterfly has 12,000 eyes.
  • A fire fly is the only object that generates light without heat.
  • The housefly ruminates the food you have eaten and returns to eat it again.
  • Young fireflies feed on pollen and nectar, while an adult firefly does not need to eat to survive.

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